So now it is 2009 and the end of Dubya's 8 years in the White House can be measured in days.
We look back at 2008 and consider that this was the year when America had its First President of Colour, well mixed race anyhow. Senator Obama (note the Irish origins) became the first Democratic nominee since LBJ to win Viriginia and North Carolina . He also won in stacks of other more obvious places. The solid south may not be solidily GOP anymore but Arkansas is still in the GOP camp as is pretty much most of Dixie. The repellant Saxelby Chamberliss was returned as a Senator for Georgia after a run off . However Ted Stevens did lose his senate seat in Alaska thereby sparing us Senator Palin !!.
The Seahawks went from bad to worse in their worst season since 1992 but the Detroit Lions finished 0-16 which makes them the worst NFL team ever !!. Meanwhile the Lakers are astride the NBA rankings. Why ? because they win at home and don't lose to poor teams take note Boston Celtics. Back here Man Utd came back from Japan as World Champions and County despite losing 2 on the bounce are still 7th. As for the Magners League let us draw a veil, the Ospreys are top and The Blues are 9th and facing a play off in Italy if they are lucky .
Moving on a New Doctor Who actor has been cast in the form of Matt Smith, aged 26 he has managed to annoy a few of the blogerati and those who see him as Tennant Lite. I would hope he gets a fair chance. To date he hasn't been saddled with Colin Baker's costume or Sylvester McCoy's scripts or schedulling time. His quirkyness hints at early Tom Baker and we know how good that got was due in part to the acting but also the writing, directing and production. There are those that will whine about a female Doctor. Well I'm sorry you are stupid and desrve my contempt for your lack of knowledge of the basic premise of the programme. As for the Doctor being black, well there were no black Vulcans before Tuvok and no Black Romulans before Sirol, so never say never. But i think the first Black time lord we saw was in "The Sound of Drums" and not before that. So Happy New Year to all and may we get what we desire and want this year.
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