Tomorrow my wife and elder step daughter go back to work as teachers. Summer has truely ended. It is raining in Stockport what more can I add.
I missed on the end of Tony Blair's reign, well it came to an end and he was gone quicker than you could say Idaho senator in a Minnapolois toilet.
As the B-52's song goes "You're living in your own private Idaho"
The All Blacks won the Tri Nations and must be favourites for the 6th World Cup which starts Friday. More of which over the next months as we go to games in Cardiff and Marseille.
Here is a list of the games I have been to across the last 20 years of Rugby World Cups.
1987 - 0 games
1991- 2 games Italy vs Usa and Wales vs Argentina.
1995 - 0 games
1999 - 2 games Samoa vs Japan & New Zealand vs Italy plus watched the q/f in a Cardiff pub.
2003 - 0 games
2007 - 3 games more to follow.
Rome came to a glorious if expected end, for what happens next see I Clavidivs.
We signed up to Lovefilm and are enjoying it hugely. The picture shown above is from Bonbon El Perro a wonderful Argentine Film.
More later this month.
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