Fall out
Last Tuesday not only saw the end of the 12 year domination by the GOP of the Congress but hopefully the end of the politicial career of par of the worst double acts to grace the World Stage. Namely Donald Rumsfeld of Dick n Don in Da Pentagon fame.
One hopes that the Democrats prove to be a force for good but I wait to see if they too get caught up by vested interests. I don't beleive that those jobs are coming back from India any time soon. They must also avoid falling into the traps that Clinton set for Gingrich . We shall see.
Sport too has moved on and the NFL is now heading throughNovember . Whilst my beloved Seahawks have suffered injuries, the Superbowl champions, Pittsburgh have just suffered.
Rugby has seen Wales draw with Australia whilst England continue to lose and lose again. Last night saw New Zealand beat France in Lyon. Yesterday was Armistice Day and the All Blacks wore poppies sown into their shirts. In the First World War the French used a phrase at Verdun, "Ils ne passeront pas" they shall not pass and last night no Frenchman crossed the try line.
I also enclose photo's of the united rules series between the Irish Gaelic Footballers and the Australian AFL which was basically a fight from start to end.
Next time more about the trip to Ireland.
As today is Rememberance Sunday, we do not forget all those who died in both World Wars, British, French, American, Commonwealth and Soviet.
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