Sunday, January 03, 2010

so we have a new decade to think about with the end of the noughties.

For what it is worth are a few notes

TOP tv

1  24
2. Battlestar Galactica
3. Dr Who

Top Music
1 Hey Ya - Out kast
2. Travelling soldier  - Dixie Chicks
3. Your love alone - Manic Street Preachers.

Top Film

1. Return of the King
2. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
3. Der Leider Das Anderer

I'm back from  Wales having seen the Blues humbled by the might of Ospreylia the final score line in Cymraeg was both brutal and truthful.

Gweilch  Daudeg Chwech  Gleison  DIM !!!!!!!

To be honest they did very well to get DIM !!

Here is a picture of Tom Shanklin in the Snow

More on 2009 next time

HNY !!