May has come rushing in and is the month when issues both sporting and political are resolved.
That said last weekend saw the end of the 2007 Cricket World Cup with Australia beating Sri Lanka in the final as befits the two best teams. Both India and Pakistan failed to reach the protracted Super 8' s but all credit to Bangladesh and Ireland as no one has a divine right to win. Victories must be earnt. So instead of a picture of the Aussies, we salute the gallant team from Bermuda.
Sport has seen the lower leagues in England and Wales resolved and Stockport contrived to miss out on the play off places on goal difference. That one of the teams is the perfidious Bristol Rovers leaves a bad taste in the mouth. County were the masters of their own misfortune but Bristol's antics to avoid playing the league game between two meetings with Bristol City in the Johnstone Paints leave a bad aftertaste. Moving on Milano prevented an all English Champions League final in Athens for which the residents of Athens must be grateful, Mancs vs Scallys in Athens not a pleasant thought. Utd seem on course to win the premiership for the first time in 4 years which will be the first championship since Beckham left. What has he won in this time?
The NBA playoffs were suprising not for the sweeping of the Heat. You can not be lacklustre for 70% of the season and sweep up the rankings and hope it sticks. All credit to the Bulls, but the major shock was the GSW beating of the Mavericks. The latter being a team that was so far and away the top team in the NBA regular season. Perhaps the Americans have an expression perhaps they don't "you win nothing in April"
Policitics has seen the Conservatives triumph in the South and Midlands of England. They did not make a great impact in Wales or Scotland and continue to fail in the North West. Today France goes to the Polls and despite her improved showing in the debate it will take something for Segolene Royal to win. Consider how long it took Labour to turn round from its year zero in 1983 - 14 years in short. As for Films we have seen Sunshine and Curse of the YellowFlower and will let you know about Spiderman 3.
24, BSG, Lost and Stargate are still absent from our screens. Life on Mars finished on a poignant note, but Gene Hunt will return !!. Dr Who and Hereos continue to keep me entertained though the comment "Jarvis Cocker in space" still rings true.