Autumn .............
Our holidays are over , the next statutory day off is Christmas Day. Thankfully we have a break upcoming in October. Details of which will appear in a later posting. So as Janet Jackson once said "what have you done for me lately".
Summer saw a grand tour of southern England and West Wales which encompassed 982 miles and lasted 10 days. We have also had a mad weekend where i had a day at a firm in St Mellons, as I took my steps in an attempt to repatriate us back to the Land of our Fathers. The Monday saw me have a colonoscopy, which now comes with a wonderdrug which wipes your short term memory, nice.......
We now have the conference season, the TUC have been, the LD's have walked out to the crease and pretty soon it will be Labour followed by the Conservatives. Presumably David Cameron will have stopped apologising by then. We have had the apology for apartheid and the apology for using the scottish nation as lab rats with the Poll Tax. I don't seem to recall the leaderene being at all apologetic at the time. We also have George Osbourne, the M.P for life for Tatton who basically chastised the plebs for wrecking the planet by using cheap flights. Now where did Mr Osbourne make this speach, was it in Knutsford, Wilmslow or in Japan. How did he get to Japan, following the example of the Aussie woman going home to a wedding via the Trans - Siberian Railway followed by a boat. No of course not he got there by two long haul flights. Think about it.
Winter sports are now underway, Rugby Union is up for 3 to 4 games and today saw Arsenal win 1-0 at Manchester United in the Football Premiership. Today also sees week 2 of the NFL.